
Through drama games, image theatre and improvisation, these PSHE workshops offer pupils the opportunity to explore relationships in a fun, interactive and personal way.

Suitable for both KS1 and KS2 these sessions focus on friendship: the importance of friendship, and what a healthy, positive friendship looks like.

“Drama offers dynamic ways of exploring emotions, relationships and personal perspectives in a safe space.”


Curriculum Links

  • Caring friendships

    How important friendships are in making us feel happy and secure, and how people choose and make friends.

    The characteristics of friendships, including mutual respect, truthfulness, trustworthiness, loyalty, kindness, generosity, trust, sharing interests and experiences and support with problems and difficulties

    That healthy friendships are positive and welcoming towards others, and do not make others feel lonely or excluded

    That most friendships have ups and downs, and that these can often be worked through so that the friendship is repaired or even strengthened, and that resorting to violence is never right

    How to recognise who to trust and who not to trust, how to judge when a friendship is making them feel unhappy or uncomfortable, managing conflict, how to manage these situations and how to seek help or advice

  • Respectful friendships

    The importance of respecting others, even when they are very different from them (for example, physically, in character, personality or backgrounds), or make different choices or have different preferences or beliefs

    Practical steps they can take in a range of different contexts to improve or support respectful relationships

    The conventions of courtesy and manners

    The importance of self-respect and how this links to their own happiness

    That in school and in wider society they can expect to be treated with respect by others, and that in turn they should show due respect to others, including those in positions of authority

    About different types of bullying (including cyberbullying), the impact of bullying, responsibilities of bystanders (primarily reporting bullying to an adult) and how to get help

    What a stereotype is, and how stereotypes can be unfair, negative or destructive

    The importance of permission-seeking and giving in relationships with friends, peers and adults

  • Spoken language

    Maintain attention and participate actively in collaborative conversations, staying on topic and initiating and responding to comments

    Use spoken language to explore ideas

    Participate in discussions, presentations, performances, role play, improvisations and debates.